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Yanzeo Smart Technology Co.,Limited

Innovative smart technology to customize exclusive bar code RFID solutions for customers. Yanzeo always adheres to the strategic concept of smart technology, keeps up with the pace of industry development, follows international standards, actively explores bar code RFID technology, and customizes ex...more

Add224 2Dong Zhucun BeiHuan Road 126#
Nearest port for product exportGuangzhou, Shenzhen, ShangHai
Delivery clauses under the trade modeFOB
Acceptable payment methodsT/T, PayPal, Cash
Whether any overseas office is availableYes
Business turnoverUSD 12 - 30 million per year
Import volumeUSD 10 - 12 million per year
export volumeUSD 10 - 12 million per year
Number of foreign trade department employees6~`10
Number of researchers5~10
Number of quality inspectors5~10
Number of all the employeesBelow 100